Qualifying draw
The tournament starts tomorrow with the qualifying draw.
You can download the draw here: SINGLES QUALIFYING
To book practice court call tournament desk (+386 41 922 084)
Players need to confirm their participation (sign-in) to the ITF Supervisor Mr. Blaž Anže Pipan; phone: +386 31 371 676; email: pipanba@gmail.com
Sign-in deadline for the singles qualifying is Sunday, 30.8., by 18h (local time).
Accreditation procedure starts at Sunday, 30.8., from 16h onwards.
Krka Open 2020 – important information regarding border crossing for players
In accordance with Article 10 of the Decree on ordering and implementing measures to prevent the spread of the infectious disease COVID-19 at border crossings at the external border, at checkpoints at internal borders and in the interior of the Republic of Slovenia, point 19 (person who is a professional athlete, member accompanying staff of a professional athlete, sports delegate… Beri naprej
Ženski teniški turnir ITF Krka Open 2020 je pred vrati
Teniški klub Krka Otočec bo letos organiziral največji teniski dogodek v Sloveniji, ženski ITF turnir z nagradnim skladom 15.000 USD – Krka Open Otočec 2020.
Turnir bo potekal na igriščih teniškega centra Otočec v času od 31.8.2020 do 6.9. 2020.
V boj s profesionalnimi igralkami se bosta podali tudi članici TK Krka Otočec, Nika Zupančič in Živa Falkner, ki sta… Beri naprej