Konec turnirja Krka Open U14!
V preteklem tednu je na Otočcu potekal še zadnji v seriji mednarodnih turnirjev, ki smo jih organizirali v letu 2021. Na njem so se pomerili igralci v kategoriji do 14 let. Nastopil je tudi Marko Retelj – igralec domačega kluba, ki se je kot 6. nosilec prebil vse do četrtfinala. Tam je bil z rezultatom 64 64 od njega boljši… Beri naprej
COVID-19 related information for Krka Open U12 and U14 participants!
Information about border crossing is available at the following link.
If you need an invitation letter email us the names and ID numbers of people travelling at tk.krka.otocec@gmail.com and we will prepare it for you.
Currently in Slovenia it is mandatory for all tournament participants to have a negative test for Covid that is not older than 72 hours.… Beri naprej
Krka Open U12 an U14 are getting closer!
TK Krka Otočec will be organizing two consecutive Tennis Europe tournaments for players aged 12 and under and 14 and under.
Krka Open U12 will begin on the 26th of June with the first round of qualifications and will end on Sunday the 4th of July. There will be two home players from Otočec competing in the main draw of… Beri naprej